Our clients are not just our clients, they are our life-long friends and we enjoy going on adventures with them. We have been privileged to travel the world and see amazing places, while making memories!

Italy Excursion

15 - 24 October 2019

Hong Kong 7's Excursion

3 - 9 April 2019

Insure Africa: Ultimate Phuket Experience

12 - 18 October 2018

MVS Charity

At the end of each year, we dedicate our time to various charities. This is a highlight for MVS each year.

Kameeldrift Pre-Primary 2023

Mamelodi Pre-Primary 2022

Sonskynhoekie 2021

Mamelodi Pre-Primary 2020

Kameeldrift Pre-Primary 2019

Kameeldrift Pre-Primary 2018

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